While well known for its Cu Au prospectivity, the Babine Region is relatively underexplored due to widespread, shallow glacial cover.
To better understand the geological setting and its potential to host additional deposits, Amarc completed a comprehensive compilation of government and historical data over the entire Babine Region. This integrated study provided a new interpretation of the geological, geochemical and geophysical characteristics of the Babine, identifying 12 previously unrecognized, high potential porphyry Cu deposit targets.

Targets have been defined using a number of alternative scientific vectors (see DUKE Report), including:
- Anomalous Cu-Au-Mo-Ag till geochemistry
- Presence of grains of bornite, chalcopyrite and/or biotite feldspar porphyry (“BFP”) in till samples
- Compelling up-ice magnetic features
- Structural control from large deep-seated regional structures possibly controlled the location of prospective BFP intrusions
In order to advance the high-potential porphyry Cu targets within the DUKE District, Amarc is planning:
- Initial, focused ground surveys taking advantage of extensive logging road networks
- RC drilling to efficiently test prioritized targets for porphyry Cu mineralized systems below shallow cover
- Core drilling of identified deposit targets to determine the extent, grade and geometry of the mineralized system